Proof of incarnation,

This video is proof of incarnation.Uterus of this girl is a media for teleportation for dragon groups and they both were growing as two babies.Angels just need a uterus to grow as a human.They mix with human seed.Daniel 2:43.Usually they use married couples. So Father YHWH used virgin uterus of Mary for Michael to come as Jesus Christ.


Passover(called Pesach in Hebrew)is one of the most important holidays in Judaism. It commemorates the escape of the Jews from slavery in Egypt and is celebrated annually in April depending on the dates in the Hebrew calendar .The main theme is the manifestation of the Love of Our loving Father

Woman clothed with Sun Rev12:1

Father Yahova use a woman clothed with Sun Rev12:1 as 7th messenger.To explain heaven as Sun and bring New heaven and new earth Rev21:1-5 What is New Song? Rev14:3? Song of Moses and song of Lamb. Rev15:3.All celesteal bodies and Terrestreal bodies are physical bodies.1 Corinth15:40.

How do we introduce YAHOVA to others? John1:18

Our Father in heaven talks,sit, walk,travel. He is a physical person. he has stardust body life and mind. We have planetdust bodies.Everything proves through scriptures. Exodus 33:20-23 are the main vision,Next Genesis 28:13, Isiah6:1,Rev4:2, Ezekiel vision1. All the visions will speak by drawing now,the end time. Hebakuk2:2,3.

Glory or promotion comes from North

God Yahova is a physical person ,who is coming through our North pole, because He and his flight is a physical or stardust being.

If you are not an israelite, then you are a gentile

If you are not an israelite, then you are a gentile

If you are not an israel,then you are a gentile

Infront of Father YAHOVA people are only two groups, Israelites or gentiles.If you are not an israelite,then you are a gentile. No salvation for gentiles. Michael(Christ) and his group forms israelites, Dragon and his group forms gentiles.No christianity,hinduism, islam, buddhism etc are allowed, if you want you must enter New Heaven and New Earth. Rev21:1-5.

If you are not an israel,then you are a gentile

Infront of Father YAHOVA people are only two groups, Israelites or gentiles.If you are not an israelite,then you are a gentile. No salvation for gentiles. Michael(Christ) and his group forms israelites, Dragon and his group forms gentiles.No christianity,hinduism, islam, buddhism etc are allowed, if you want you must enter New Heaven and New Earth. Rev21:1-5.

Heaven is a physical place, YHWH is a physical person

Heaven and earth

YHWH wrote 10 commandments by his own fingers.Duete9:10

Celesteal flesh and bone person Father YHWH wrote 10 commandments.Then the Lord delivered to me two tablets of stone written with the finger of God and on them where all the words which the LORD had spoken to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire in the day.Deuter9:10.

britains gots talent amanda talk with died woman

britains gots talent amanda talk with died woman

Moses with snakes

Angels can change to snakes,humans,birds,animals etc, they can incarnate too.

Vision of God

Biblically Accurate Angels Animation Ezekiel's Astonishing Vision of God & Cherubim. Ezekiel 1 & 10

God Almighty YAHOVA and mighty God Christ

Only Father YAHOVA knows everything,only Father has all wisdom,nobody is equal to him in wisdom.Isiah 45:5

Humanity is biological children of God YAHOVA

Christ has one Y chromosome from Father YAHOVA.He is a physical person.If christ was physical person, Father also physical person.

Burning Bush

The nature of Heavan and Heavenly things

Heavan is Sun

Christ ascended to Sun and the day of sun is sunday

Isiah 14:14.Old lSerpent boasted that he will be equal to God YAHOVA

Old serpent made his temple which is challenging the temple of our Father YAHOVA which we can see in Isiah 6:1.(YAHOVA is sitting on highly exhalted throne in his temple, Isaiah is seing)This temple has windows which aligned to heavan on the 2 equinox days.

Ezekiel 28:12-19

All these gold is from Mesopottamia means Egypt,Jerusalem,Palestein and all other humanity who were controlled by old serpent and his group.All humanity is innocent, they are children of God YAHOVA.Everyone must come to God YAHOVA through Christ(Michael the Archangel).

Our Gospel John 17:3

That they may know you the only true God, that is God YAHOVA and christ whom you have sent

Isiah 9:6, A son is given is a Prophesy for kingdom

Two groups of resurrection, One resurrection by Father YAHOVA to heavan, and one group resurrection by Christ on Earth. John 5:21.

Word became flesh

Word became flesh means spokeperson became flesh. Christ is called word of God.Spokeperson for God YAHOVA.John1:1 must interpret this way,In the beginning there was word(spokeperson).Word(spokeperson)was with God, word was a god.

Rev 17,8,17,18. Alpha and omega

Father Yahova created everything, he can destroy everything too.So he is Alpha and Omega. Christ is Alpha and Omega,Christ(Michael) is the only one created by God YAHOVA in heavan directly.Everyone else was created through Michael.Lucifer was the first angel Michael made,Lucifer is son of morning, son of Christ.

Holy Spirit Part-1

Holy Spirit is Power or WIFI, not a person

Holy Spirit Part-2

Holy Spirit is not a person

The need for Bible

Rev 12:7,8,9. The old serpent group made all false religions,So God YAHOVA sent Michael and his group with all messages, that is Bible.Only one book from Heavan that is Bible.Heaven opened and showed Christ is standing at right hand side.Everyone must follow the person who already reached heavan.

Bible is complete?

Scriptures are not complete if we dont understand where to Christ ascended.Christ ascended to Father YAHOVA, the Sun of righteousness.Malachi 4:4 To the Sun, Sun is heavan.Rev 22:16, Christ is morning star(Sun)

God is Spirit

God is Spirit means we will understand God YAHOVA who lives in unapproachable lights through the revealings of Christ. Exodus 33:20 onwards is the main revealing.Whenever scripture mentions spirit or soul, that mentions mind or a person. Our mind is spirit.We will understand and live RIGHT for God YAHOVA is that Christ mentioned when he said God is Spirit.

Son of God Part-1

Interpreting Son of God through the vision of Old Testament MOST HOLY, Isiah 6:1-9

Believe like Desciples

John 17:3

Son of God Part-2

What desciples believed. Mathew 16:15,16.Whoever believes Christ is Son of God is the Church

Angel of the Lord Part-1

Angel of the Lord. The MOST HOLY of Old Testament. Isiah 6:1-9.This vision is the base of Bible.From here everything were created.All interpretations must start from this vision.

Angel of the Lord Part-2

Bible mentions 3 angels lucifer,Gabriel and Michael.Michael got annointed high,Genesis 22:15-18 Angel of the Lord.In Exodus he became Archangel Michael Jude 9.In the kingdom he is Great Prince Michael. Daniel 12:1,2.Great Prince Michael will resurrect humanity,So Michael is Christ.Word became flesh means Michael became Christ.Angels can materialize.

Melchizadek is Christ,Michael materialized as Melchizadek

Melchizadek means king of righteousness, Heb 7:1,2,3.Christ is king of righteousness,Heb1:8. Melchizadek is Michael Materialized.Christ is Michael materialized through Mary, Word became flesh.Spokeperson became flesh,Angels can materialize as humans.

GOD and gods

John 10:35.Anyone who recieved messages or oracles from God YAHOVA are gods.Christ is the greatest among gods, so he is a great God.Acts7:38

Humanity is biological children of GOD YAHOVA

Ron Wyatt could get the blood of Christ and tested which found 23 X chromosomes and one Y chromosomes from our Father YAHOVA.All humanity has Y chromosomes

Israelites braught to India by Lucifer and made them Hindus

This gold collections are from Jerusalem, Egypt, Mesopotamia Etc.Vault B has opened and found 7 bodies of women which are old serpent"s favourite women including EVE.We will be able to see body of Adam till Christ ( 7 bodies) in Great Pyramid soon.



spirit walk through doors

After resurrection Christ walked through closed doors to desciples like this

GOD is One, not trinity

Mark 12:29.Hear O Israel,The Lord our GOD is One Lord

Ransom of Christ

1 Tim 2:5.For there is one GOD and one mediater between GOD and Men, the man Jesus Christ.

Devine pregnancy

GOD YAHOVA changed gaseous body of Michael to earthly body that is Christ.

Characteristics of AABBA YAHOVA

1Tim 6:15,16

Men of air(fallen angels) uses fire of funeral to energize

Michael or Christ encouraged burial of dead bodies.Fallen angels uses all fires to energize them,so churches and temples uses candle lights or oil lamps to energize them.They actually needs starfire or energy from stars.They compensate energizing this way.

Materialization of Angels to humans(Time travellers)

Men of air(angels)changes to humans to decieve humanity.These are fallen angels or old serpent groups.They made all religions.They confused humanity.To get out of them we should understand Bible, YAHOVA and Christ at right hand side.Acts 7:55,56.

In the name of dead people,old serpent group talks.

All people dead are sleeping.1 Corinth 15:17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.Steve huff is misguided too.These videos I show here to make you understand how they cheat humanity

In the name of dead people,old serpent group comes to decive humanity

This is one of many videos of Jayalalitha"s CCTV images.This images were caught after her death.Old serpent group came in her shape.Old serpent groups decieves humanity from Eden.Come out of that, and Join Michael and his groups to see our FATHER YAHUA in heavan.

How old serpent and his groups posses and kills

fallen angels(gaseous man)possessed this man and took control of the bike and killed. Then came out.He is the murder from beginning.John 8;44.People still believes after death our soul goes to air. No, we have no seperate soul. That was old serpent group who possessed that man.(gaseous man)

Torturing by infusion of electrons to spinal cord.

Another way to control humanity, but he failed.We have medications to control these activities.Because of increase of wisdom. Daniel 12;4.Their power is getting lost.All humanity has to understand their FATHER YAHUA in heavan from the teachings of YASHUA.

Sitting on shoulder

This way they sit and talks.2Chronicles 33;6. He made his sons pass through the fire in the valley of Ben-hinnon, and he practised witchcraft,used divination,practised sorcery,and dealt with mediums and spirits.He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him in danger.

In the name of Christ acting like God.

Do we need anymore sacrifice? Christ did once for all. Who is this torturing this woman?Priests are wondering!Angel of lights. The deciever.

How old serpent and his groups posses humanity and control

How old serpent and his groups posses humanity and control

How old serpent and his groups posses humanity and control

Another video how they control

How old serpent and his groups posses humanity and control

How do old serpent and his groups posses and control humanity. This is their end time.AABBA YAHUA exposing them through lenses.

Capital of old serpent

This temple has a lot of gold Jewelleries. Those are from Israelites who left King Feroah.Hindus are Israelites possessed by old serpent and his groups.Those dead bodies are 7 female bodies starting from mother Eve. When Michael was talking to Adam and other men( prophets)old serpent took control on women. We will be able to see 7 bodies of men in Great Pyramid starting from Adam, Enoch, Moses , Jesus Christ etc soon in future.

Visualizing fallen angels through Kinetic energy

Angels are made from gaseous elements like Hydrogen ,Helium etc.Stars has crust and gas and earth also has crust and gas.Because they have gaseous elements they can teleport heavan and Earth easily.Old serpent group is in our gaseous place, Michaels"s group is in Heavan gaseous place.AABBA YAHUA has Star crust body,Son also recieved same type of Body after resurrection.Whoever live like Christ will get eternal life. Christ lived for YAHUA.Others are for destruction.

How old serpent groups talk to humanity?

This way old serpent talked to Eve. This way they made all religions. Whatever they tell to Steve is wrong messages.They talk in the dead people"s name to misguide humanity.All sorceros and magicians are possesed by them.




God and gods

swargeeya shareerangalude prathyekatha

word became flesh

*heaven is my throne,earth is my footstool


Difference in Jesus bodies Malayalam

Difference in Jesus bodies Malayalam

Miracles by earthly electrons.

Miracles by earthly electrons.

Glory of GOD in Malayalam.

Glory of GOD in Malayalam.

Most Holy in Malayalam

Most Holy in Malayalam

Trithwam Malayalam

Trithwam Malayalam

Maruvila Malayalam

Maruvila Malayalam

Difference in Jesus bodies Malayalam

Difference in Jesus bodies Malayalam

Heavenly prathyekatha in Malayalam.

Heavenly prathyekatha in Malayalam.

Heaven in Malayalam Liziamma Thomas

Heaven in Malayalam Liziamma Thomas

Devotional song

Devotional song