This is the first sacrement , for all the '' MALE '' Genesis - 17: [10] ''This is my covenent ,which you shall keep, between Me and you and YOUR DESENDANTS AFTER YOU. EVERY MALE AMONG YOU SHALL BE CIRCUMCISED '' this is an everlasting pact between God , a baby who ' 8 ' days old be circumcised Genesis - 17 :[11 a]''And every male among you who is eight days old shall be circumcised throughout your generations'' Genesis 17:11And you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be the sign of the covenent between me and you''. Acts - 7 : [8] '' And he gave him the covenent of circumcision ,and so Abraham became the father of Isaac , and circumcised him on the eight day ,and Issac became the father of Jacob and Jacob of 12 patriachas. we are called to follow the commandments of the Lord so our new born must be circumcised - by the 8 day '' BY AN AUTHORISED MEDICAL PRACTITIONER IN A HOSPITAL '' NOT BY OURSELVES .


THE Baptism is a form of ritual purification by drowing at least in a running water, like christ who baptised by JOHN that all the members should do so Mathew -3 : [13-17] ''AS soon as Jesus was baptised , he came up from the waters heaven was opend and he saw the spirit of the Lord desent like a dove a voice of heaven heard '' this is my own dear son with whom I pleased'' Like this same formula , we are encourage to do Adult Baptism - The one who is to receive the baptism should understant the teachings from the WOMEN CLOTHED WITH THE SUN [Revelation 12:1 ]AND ALSO THE MAN CHILD [REVELATION 12: 5] - through this teaching only a person must be baptised by '' THE WORDS ARE '' IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER - AND OF THE SON - I BAPTISE YOU [ NAME ] '' . Mathew- 23 :8,9 John 3 :16 John 14:1 ,17 :3 1 cor 1 : 3 2 cor 1:2 Gal 1: 3 Eph 1 :2 Phil 1:2 Rev 22: 1 All these are the proof that how the Early churches [7] communities followeded they never give Glory to '' A THIRD PERSON '' . WE MUST FOLLOW THE SAME TEACHING OF MANCHILD FROM OUR FOUNDRESS. 1, The person must be aware that what he is doing,, 2,There, must be a minister to baptise the canididate* The ritual word must be '' IN the name of the father - and of the son i baptise you [ NAME] '' you shall not add holy sprit because the teaching of the man child to be followed by the whole members

Annointing of the sick

James - 5:[ 14 ] ''Is any among you sick? Let him call for the Rabbies of the church , and let them pray over him , annointing him with oil in the NAME OF THE LORD ,and the prayer of faith will save the man , and the lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins , he will be forgiven. 1 Samuel - 16 : [13 ] '' Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midest of his brothers , and the spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward 1, Here we can use the oil which is avalible in our local region and after the prayer to our father in Jesus name the minister can put a dip of oil in the forhead of the sick.

The feast of PASSOVER

*This has to done '' ONLY ONCE IN A YEAR '' not in every prayer meetings nor in week nor months *According to the hebrew calender ''NISSAN 15 is the day [ more information is avalable in our calender ] *So in that day we are actually remembering the passover of the Isralites from the land of Egypt , The feast of the passover was fulfilled in that form in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and through christ he himself made a living sacrifice for the whole world by the sacred passion on the cross *So we are expected to celebrate the passover by reading from the book of Exodus 11- 19 and also the prayer of our father - insted of cutting the animal the son of the almighty GOD sacrificed his own life to the whole world. we can cut the bread and drink wine . And reflect about the goodnes of the FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN *Passover begins at the SUN SET - ON THE 14 th OF ''NISSAN''


MarrIage is a contractual bound commanded by God in which a man and a women came together to create a relationship in which God is directely involved and expected to fulfilL the commandment to have childern . MarrIage shows holiness in every life and fulfilLs the commandment to be fruitful and multIply [Genesis1:22]. *While wedding ceremonies vary , common features of a Jewish wedding include a [ketubah] marriage contract - which is signed by two witnesses. *A chuppah or huppah a Ring - owned by the groom that is given to the bride while in that time accurate bible passage should be read.


* The funeral consists of a burial - cremation is allowed only for the one who has to be cremated directed by the medical officials. *Burial is intended to take place in as short an interval of time after death as possible, funeral service usually commences at the burial ground. *The body wrapped in a shroud or casket ,recitations of Pslam 9. *In home -Job 19 : [23 - 27] *Responsorial psalm 27 *Book of Wisdom 3:1-9 *Responsorial psalm 116 *Book of wisdom 4:[7-15] *Responsorial psalm 23 * Book 0f the prophet Isaiah 25: [6-9] * Responsorial psalm 23 *Book of Lamentations 33: [ 17 - 26] *Respoinsorial psalm 25 *Book of the Prophet Daniel 12:[1-3] *Responsorialo Psalm 42 *Book of Maccabees 12 :[43-46] *Responsorial Psalm 103 * Reading from the ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 10 :[34-43] *Reading from the letter of Paul to the Romans 5:5-11 *Paul to the Romans 5:[17 -21]